A laser engraved brass plaque with the donor’s name will be attached to the machine with titles such as “The equipment was donated by ‘Your Name’”. Please contact us if you are interested to sponsor a particular item on your own. However, if required we can provide a current list of requirements. Also contact us if you re just interested in making a partial contribution towards an equipment.
An engraved stone plate with the donor’s name will be attached at the entrance of the hall. The name of the room and hall could be dedicated to the name of your choice in loving memory of parents, relatives, friends, or any other known personality
*Construction rate is considered @Rs.2400/Sq.ft which may vary depending on various factors. Please contact us for details of room and hall sizes. If you are interested to make partial contribution or like to contribute towards materials needed for construction, we will still display your engraved name on the wall. Please let us know and we will provide you the required information.
Equipments to give yoga, naturopathic and other alternative therapies will be required such as Shirodar table, hydrotherapy machine, jacuzzi, yoga mats, grinders, panchakarma equipments, etc.. A laser engraved brass plaque with the donor’s name will be attached to the equipment with titles such as “The equipment was donated by ‘Your Name’”. Please contact us if you are interested to sponsor a particular item. The list of equipments can be provided on request.
We will display your name on a stone plate prominantly in the portion of the garden sponsored by you. This sponsorship involves paying for the plantation of herbs and maitaining them on regular basis. You can also make a partial contribution just towards purchasing of herbal plants, or pay for the labor cost of plantation for a number of plants. If you have a bunch of herbal plants or you are a nursery business, you can readily bring your plants for the herbal garden and we will plant it for you. You can periodically visit the garden and spend time caring for plants with your friends and family.
The herbal garden is a part of our Yogic-Chikitsalaya program. It’s an organic garden and will be surrounded by many shade-bearing trees. The garden will be surrounding a pond that will cater to the H2O needs of the plants. Many flowers from various parts of world will also be planted to enhance the flora of the place.
Time-to-time we hold various activity in the vicinity of a project. Such as, medical camps, mass-feeding, clothes distributions, etc. If you are interested to sponsor any single event on a date of your choice, we will most likely accomodate and make available our volunteer to organize the event. Your sponsorship for an event could be in form of cash or kind. For example, clothes, medicine, food grains, etc.
Just to give you an idea, a typical event such as a mass-feeding or a medical camp can cost anywhere from Rs. 25,000 to Rs. 1,00,000. You can sponsor a portion or the complete event.
Your or your company’s name will be written as sponsor on the event banner and displayed prominantly.