
Education is one of the foundations for social change

Progressive Universal Society believes that education is more than simply the transferring of knowledge between individuals. Education should awaken a thirst for knowledge. Students should be excited to learn. PROUS aims to provide everyone with the same opportunities in the field of education. This will allow individuals to rise to their fullest potential and serve their communities to the best of their capacity.

Education should recognize the differences and uniqueness of society’s individuals.


PROUS pursuits to provide the proper environment and tools needed to empower local communities. The desired result will be that its members will become active and strong members of society. This will enable them to build their own reality and that of their communities.

PROUS will strive to provide quality education irrespective of religion, caste, race, gender or social background. As we strongly believe that no one should be left behind, no one should waste their potential. Everyone should be aware of their own worth and potential.